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1977, Star Wars opened in movie theaters, the Apple II computers go on sale, Elvis Presley dies at 42, and . . . Robert Marshall is hired as a career letter carrier in Duluth, MN. Congratulations to Robert on making it to retirement. As would be expected from someone with such a wealth of experience, he started his last day by imparting some of his gained wisdom to his fellow letter carriers. Thanks for all the years of service Robert, may you have many more of retirement!

Updated: May 17, 2023

The Postal Service has finally recognized that the inability to hire sufficient substitute city carriers in Duluth has been contributing to its challenges in providing the mandatory 6 days of delivery to its customers. As soon as administratively practicable, but no later than April 29th 2023, all CCAs in Duluth will be converted to PTF career status, and then the Postal Service will continue hiring PTF city carriers until there are 38 PTFs on the rolls. Full text of the Memorandums can be found at: and .

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